Message from CCAGP President Regarding Coronavirus

Dear Parents:

Several days before our Lunar New Year celebration we had already addressed various individual concerns according to the CDC link and other information on the coronavirus issue. We had analyzed and explained to our staff and concerned parties that, unlike many of the other Chinese schools, most of our students and parents are not of Mainland China by “origin”. We had thus held our New Year celebration as planned.

Since no antivirus vaccine is available yet for the coronavirus, we would expect some of the Chinese schools that canceled their New Year celebration may continue to do so for their regular schools (after New Year celebration), and it indeed happened.

China, as stated by WHO, BBC and others, they have taken a very drastic and timely confinement on the Wu-Han air and land travel, the current case numbers in many other countries are thus able to stay in single digit through their effort.

However, in order to continue our Saturday Chinese schools without any complications, we need all of our constituents (MingDe, DingHao and Culture Programs) to follow the following guidelines:

1. For those who recently came back from Mainland China and entered US without any sickness or symptoms, please do not come to Chinese school for at least 2 weeks and keep close monitor for any cold like symptoms that could result in further refrainment from attending the school.

2. For any of our CCAGP and school members who have not traveled to Mainland China recently, if any of you have cold symptoms (cough, fever, running nose or sore throat), please immediately contact your family physician and stay out of the school until a total recovery.

We will continue to follow all the news and information as much as we could on this issue and we need all your collaboration to get through this period.


