9:00 AM
- Retrieve Material/equipment from 3rd floor storage
- Tea Pot- Fill 2/3 of the pot with water from water fountain (Not from the Faucet)
- Setup Snacks
- Run the copier in the office
- Ring the recess Bell (Bell to be picked up from principle’s office)
9:50 – 10:00 (1st recess), 10:40 – 10:50 (second recess)
- Ring recess bell at 9:50, and 10:40 to indicate start of recess. (Bell to be picked up from principle’s office)
- Guard the stairways, do not allow kids to go downstairs
- Side Stairway (by the office)
- Front Stairway (by the Gym/LGI)
- Keep an eye on kids from unsafe behavior such as tough play, running, etc.
- Keep an eye on the fire alarm switch to prevent from accidental activation of the fire alarm.
- Ring recess bell at 10:00 and 10:50 to indicate end of recess and urge students back to classroom.
- Clean up the snack table.
- Return Tea pot & snacks back to 3rd floor storage