Parents On-Duty Tasks

9:00 AM

  1. Retrieve Material/equipment from 3rd floor storage
    • Tea Pot- Fill 2/3 of the pot with water from water fountain (Not from the Faucet)
    • Setup Snacks
  2. Run the copier in the office
  3. Ring the recess Bell (Bell to be picked up from principle’s office)

9:50 – 10:00 (1st recess), 10:40 – 10:50 (second recess)

  1. Ring recess bell at 9:50, and 10:40 to indicate start of recess. (Bell to be picked up from principle’s office)
  2. Guard the stairways, do not allow kids to go downstairs
    • Side Stairway (by the office)
    • Front Stairway (by the Gym/LGI)
  3. Keep an eye on kids from unsafe behavior such as tough play, running, etc.
  4. Keep an eye on the fire alarm switch to prevent from accidental activation of the fire alarm.
  5. Ring recess bell at 10:00 and 10:50 to indicate end of recess and urge students back to classroom.


  1. Clean up the snack table.
  2. Return Tea pot & snacks back to 3rd floor storage