Virtual Chinese Talent Show Rules / 明德國語線上才藝表演 表演規則

Talent Show Rules and Procedure Event Goals: MingDe Chinese school will hold talent shows because they bring together our community of teachers, parents, and students and give students a chance to show off their Chinese skills.
Date and time: Saturday, December 19th / 11:00am~12:00am
Video Summit Deadline: December 5th, 2020 Please drop your pre-recorded talent show video into google classroom to your class teacher
Performance method: Participants must perform in Chinese, using pre-recorded methods, such as singing, talk show, telling joke, telling story, poetry reading, tongue twister, etc. If there are any violent or other inappropriate words and sounds in the performance content, the school has the right to refuse your video.
Performance time limit: Due to time constraints, each group is limited to two minutes.
Performance Qualification: Individuals or groups can participate in teams. Groups can have up to four people. It is limited to Mingde students and family members. Each person can participate in one act. Due to time constraints, the school will arrange the order in advance and announce it about a week before.
Rewards: All participating Mingde students in the performance will have prizes. Teachers and audiences will vote on the spot to select the best performers; results will be announced the same day. The best performers will be awarded prizes at the closing ceremony. The best performer will have the opportunity to represent the school at related regional competitions.
Note: The pre-recorded tape must be introduced in Chinese before the performance, including the Chinese name, the class, and the performance. Those who do not comply with the rules will be disqualified. If applicable, participants should provide lyrics at the time of registration. Judges will score according to the lyrics provided.


表演時間/地點:2020年12月19日 (星期六) 11:00am ~ 12:00 am,採線上預錄播放。
報名日期:即日起至2020 年12月5日前,請交給班級老師(google classroom classwork).
表演方式: 參與者必須用中文進行表演,採預錄方式,如歌唱,相聲,說笑話,說故事,詩詞朗誦,繞口令等方式,自設主題,例如:“我的好朋友”,我的寵物“等………
表演資格/次序 : 可個人,團體組隊參加, 團體至多四人一組,限明德在學學生參加,家人可參與,無論個人或團體,每人参加一组為限。因時間限制,學校將事先安排播放順序,並於前一周左右公佈。
獎勵辦法: 所有參加表演之明德在學同學皆有參加獎外,將由各班級老師及觀眾現場投票,選出最佳表演者數名,最佳表演者將於結業典禮時頒發獎品。最佳表演者可代表學校參加校外相關比賽。
注意事項: 預錄影帶,務必在表演前簡單中文自我介紹,包含中文姓名,中文學校就讀班級及表演項目,不符規則者,將不予播放。