Virtual Learning Rules / 線上教學守則

  1. 網路授課時間為從早上九點到十一點,每堂課各五十分鐘,網上基本規則與一般課堂規則相同,請尊重老師與同學。
    Virtual Learning Class Hours is from 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Saturdays (1st period 9:00~9:50, 2nd period 10:10~11:00) for each class. All on premise classroom rules will apply to online class rules. Be respectful, kind, and honest when on the internet with peers and teachers.
  2. 請學生每週提早幾分鐘上線,並且請於上課前將課本及上課用品準備好 。
    Please make sure to log in a few minutes prior to the start time of the lesson and get all the learning materials ready before each lesson.
  3. 家長們有責任督促學生遵守網路上課規則及每週的上課環境。
    Please monitor your children as they access the online learning environment.
  4. 請在上課之前為您的孩子準備參加網路學習教室的準備。尤其是年紀幼小的學童。
    Please prepare your children to be engaged in the virtual learning classroom prior to each live lesson,especially with younger grades.
  5. 在上課之前吃點早餐或點心對學生學習專注力會有幫助。
    It may be helpful for students to have a good breakfast or snack prior to lessons.
  6. 為達到最好學習效果,提醒您的孩子在上課之前使用洗手間。
    Encourage your children to use the bathroom prior to logging in to each lesson to avoid unnecessary interruptions.
  7. 如果您的孩子無法上課,請給任課老師發送電子郵件,老師就不必擔心您的孩子沒有上線。
    If your child is unable to attend a lesson, please email his/her teacher so the teacher is not concerned about your child’s lack of attendance.
  8. 注意周圍環境,避免學生上課鏡頭前出現您正在看電視的畫面,並消除嘈雜的干擾,例如寵物,電視和音樂。
    Be mindful of your surroundings and what may be seen while you are on video and remove noisy distractions like pets, TV, and music.
  9. 網路上課環境需要安靜及有個人空間,每位學生需要有一個鏡頭及耳機,以減少不必要的干擾。鏡頭必須在上課時間內打開,讓老師了解學生的學習狀況;學生必須用耳機上課以減少不必要的干擾。
    The home learning environment should be a quiet and individual place. Please be sure to have the camera on so the teacher can monitor the learning status; students will need to use earphones to avoid unnecessary disturbance.
  10. 學生若在上課時間因為任何原因需要離開座位(如上厠所)請先告知老師。
    If the student needs to leave for any reason during the lesson, please inform your teacher before you do so.
  11. 若無老師指示,學生上課時間不能在聊天室與其他學生聊天。
    Without teacher’s instruction, students should not be having side conversations during class, both through online chats or speaking out.
  12. 請衣著端莊整齊-上課時不可戴帽。
    Dress appropriately-no hats or hoods.
  13. 為維持教學品質,老師保有對學生靜音的權利。
    Teachers reserve the right to mute students whose behavior interrupts the learning environment.
  14. 請家長們申請Gmail帳戶,老師們將使用google classroom與家長聯繫。
    Parents are asked to apply for a Gmail account, and teachers will use Google classroom to contact parents.