Registration for 2022-2023 School Year
Registration for the 2022-2023 school year has begun. We will be going back to in-person teaching starting September 2022! Registration information can be found in the Registration Guide page.
Registration for the 2022-2023 school year has begun. We will be going back to in-person teaching starting September 2022! Registration information can be found in the Registration Guide page.
各位明德家長、老師,同學, 大家好,3月19日明德中文学校迎来了一年一度的國語演講比賽。 因疫情關係本校仍採取線上教學,國語演講比賽也採用線上比賽方式舉行。 為了这次線上比賽,中文学校在校長和老師們的努力下,做了很多事前籌備工作。從比賽規則,年齡分组到同步線上計分都做了詳盡的安排。所有工作人員與評審們在賽前準備會議中,群策群力,集思廣益,儘可能將任何可能狀況減到最低。 低年級組蘇采騰同学學講的是《專心》,他用流利顺畅的语言,分享他的經驗,提醒大家要專心,引人深思。黃惟昕同學的《國中女生的一天》講得字正腔圆,從洗臉看心情天氣選衣服到放學,非常生動有趣,令人印象深刻。 感谢明德老師們,辛勤教導與鼓勵。鼓勵孩子們参加此中文學校各項活動,大家的熱情支持和参與是中文學校不斷向前的力量。也特別感謝詹佳穎老師,蕭瑜玲老師及前美東中文學校張秀玲會長,三位校外老師在百忙之中接受邀请擔任評審,本校湯謹如老師提供線上技術支援,謝美玲老師擔任主持人。 參賽每位同學都獲得獎品以資鼓勵外,低年級除共有四名同學獲獎,中高年級組因參賽人數不足,取優勝者一名,各組第一名同學將代表學校參加校外比賽並獲邀結業典禮時做示範講演。 演講比賽是提高中文表達能力最好的方式之一,希望大家再接再厲,繼續加油努力,在校外比賽能有更傑出的表現。 各組得獎名單如下: 低年級組(Lower grades group) Award Name 1st place 蘇采騰 2nd place 戚仁宥 3rd place 戚仁羿 Honorable mention 沙美娜 中年級組(Middle grades group) Award Name 1st place 蘇采希 高年級組(Higher grades group) Award Name 1st… Continue Reading
Congratulations to the following winners of the writing contest! We look forward to seeing everyone in the coming speech contest. Great work to both kids and parents for participating! 低年級組 李力安 1st 陳迎熙 2nd 杜明道 3rd Rebecca Chatterjee Honorable… Continue Reading
Happy Lunar New Year! MingeDe Chinese Chinese School and Ding Hao Chinese School will have an online celebration on Saturday, Feb. 5th. Details of the online celebration will be sent to email address of registered parents. We wish everyone a… Continue Reading
Registration deadline for the MingDe Talent show is Saturday, 12/04/2021. Please encourage your children to patriciate.
With influenza activity often begins to increase in October. Hope everyone in MingDe family stays safe and healthy. Here to share a kid and family-friendly event in the next two-three weekends in the Philly zoo. The Philadelphia Zoo transforms into… Continue Reading
Textbook can be picked up on Saturday, September 4th. Location: Radnor Middle School, front door parking lot. 10:30 – 10:45 AM for Phonic class, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 8th grade classes 10:45 – 11:00 AM for 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th,… Continue Reading
First day of school is Saturday, September 11th. Classes will remain virtual for the Fall semester.
Registration for the fall semester of 2021-2022 has started. Please refer to the Registration Guide page for details. A blank fillable registration form can be downloaded by clicking this link.
MingDe Academic Competition will take place virtually on May 1st, 2021. The rules for the competition can be found on this page. More details will be sent by the teachers.